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Monday, February 14, 2011

Kicking The “Bad Vibe” Thats Killing Your Girl-Getting Game

Dear Speed Seduction® Students And Fans,
It’s one thing to achieve mastery over your use of the four vibes to fearlessly and effortlessly get all the women you want.  But what happens when you have a “bad vibe” going on inside you that’s holding you back and stopping you from making your move?
Many guys tell me that they get visions of failure before they even walk up to her.  The visions just sort of “take over”, and when they do, the guy’s girl-getting game gets thrown in the hole, locked up and thrown away the key, and the only thing left on tap is this feeling and vision of failure.
Next time this happens to you, consider the following:
Those images would not be in your mind if you were not choosing to value certainty (even the certainty of FAILURE) over being uncertain.
Look: the real issue here is not even the content of what you are visualizing. Or whether you are doing so deliberately… or, as several students have put it, “It just takes over me”.
You are trying to gain information about what you can do in the world and how people will respond to you from a system/process (in this case, your internal imagery and dialog) that can’t possibly provide that information for you.
In short: you are racking your brain trying to come up with 100% CERTAIN success before you take an actual step. That isn’t possible, of course- so now the system is running the OTHER way, providing certainty for you that you will FAIL.  By doing so, you are REJECTING YOURSELF before she even gets to decide to drag you into her room and fuck your brains out.
Fear of failure isn’t pleasant. But at least you are CERTAIN you are going to fail with all that crap running through your head.
It is reinforcing your self-image as someone who needs guarantees before he takes a step into the real world.
You are so distracted by the content of your imagery and dialog that you aren’t seeing the process it is trying to serve. And you aren’t seeing the underlying self-image that is being fed by this nonsense.
Guess what?
You are NOT a goddamned fragile child.
You will NOT fall apart if someone doesn’t like you or accept your overtures.
It will simply be unpleasant. But you may also find that the energy that is released after you breakthrough and beat your fear feels better than anything you’ve ever experienced in your life.

I recommend you imagine that you can reach in and find the “you” that doesn’t need guarantees. That can let loose, say “fuck it” and just go see what happens.

Peace and piece,

P.S. Imagine your life with no need for assurance or guarantee of success of any kind before you took bold (and fun) seduction steps, as you walked like a giant where other people fear to step? Now, what if you could get off your excuse-making, “I understand but don’t do it” ass, and get moving right now in the real world with the success you’ve always wanted?
Find the solutions to all of this – and much more – by clicking here.

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